Welcome to Mrs. Blount’s Webpage!
Welcome to my webpage! I am super excited about this school year, especially since we have had such a long spring/summer break! I hope you are excited too! I know we have lots of changes this school year, one of them being the way we deliver lessons and assignments. My classes will be using Google Classroom both in school and at home. Parents are more than welcomed and encouraged to join their students Google Classroom. If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email! GO PANTHERS!
Supplies needed for my students:
2 spiral notebooks
Red Ink pen
*We have a class set of TI-84 C Plus Graphing Calculators. I highly recommend purchasing or renting a calculator for home.
​*I also recommend students to purchase Mini Graph Post Its, to assist with our note taking. You can find them on Amazon!