The Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics career cluster focuses on planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail, and water. It also includes transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, and mobile equipment and facility maintenance. This career cluster includes occupations ranging from automotive mechanic, avionics technician, and automotive entrepreneur to pilots and logistics planning professionals.
Instructor: Jared Reaves and Bruce Orr
The Automotive and Collision Repair program of study focuses on the occupational and educational opportunities associated with servicing, repairing, and refinishing various types of vehicles. This program of study includes diagnosing and servicing vehi cles and learning about processes, technologies, and materials used in reconstructing vehicles.
The Diesel, Heavy Equipment Maintenance, and Commercial Drivers program of study focuses on occupational and educational opportunities associated with the function, operations, diagnosis, and service of diesel and heavy equipment systems. This program of study includes driving, inspecting, diagnosing, and repairing off-highway and on-highway vehicles and equipment.
Small Engine Technology
Auto Basic
Auto Tech I and II
Diesel Equipment Technology
ASE Entry Level Automobile Maintenance and Light Repair (MR)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Automatic Transmission/Transaxle (AT)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Brakes (BR) • ASE Entry-Level Automobile Electronic/Electrical Systems (EE)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Engine Performance (EP)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Engine Repair (ER)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Heating and Air Conditioning (AC)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Manual Drive Train and Axles (MD)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Service Technology
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Suspension and Steering (SS)
ASE Entry Level Automobile Maintenance and Light Repair (MR)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Engine Performance (EP)
ASE Entry-Level Automobile Engine Repair (ER)